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RO Paym

RO Payments

Version v8.5.0
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site RolandD Cyber Produksi external
License Read Rules external
Views 1,283
Dev Price € 72
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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RO Payments is a component for Joomla that allows you to easily integrate payments into your Joomla website. RO Payments supports a large number of Joomla! extensions and payment providers, combined with profiles, you can setup different payment providers on a single site. This makes for a very flexible setup and gives you a lot of control on how the payments flow on your site.


RO Payments supports the following extensions:
- Artio Book it!
- Eshop
- Events Booking
- HikaShop
- J2Store
- jGive
- JoomDonation
- JoomShopping
- JTicketing
- K2Store
- Membership Pro
- MijoShop
- Quick2Cart
- RD-Subscriptions
- RSDirectory!
- RSEvents!Pro
- RSForm!Pro
- RSMembership!
- SocialAds
- VirtueMart

RO Payments connects with the following payment providers:
- Buckaroo
- ING iDEAL 2.0
- Mollie (new API)
- Ingenico
- Rabobank (including OmniKassa 2/OnlineKassa)
- Sisow
- Target Pay
- Stripe
- Ginger Payments


International payments are now easier than before using Stripe as your payment provider. RO Payments includes the Stripe Payment Elements.

Further you can make your own payment page to receive payments without the need of another extension. In addition there is a module that allows you to generate a payment link. This link can be send to someone to have them pay through your website.

Extensive support for RSForm! Pro through our own fields. You can even have a different payment provider per form.

RO Payments now includes an editor button to easily insert a payment link into your articles. This is combined with a new system plugin that will allow you to put a payment placeholder anywhere in your site and that will be turned into a payment link.

Recurring payments for Mollie is also supported in RO Payments

Status updates behind a login are now supported as well.


How RO Payments works, explained step by step

RO Payments is the missing link between your site and the payment provider. Acting as a translator, it speaks the language of your extension and the language of the payment provider. As such providing a stable and trusted connection in the processing of payments on your site.

For many people the inner workings of online payments is a black hole, here we explain in a few steps how the process works.


Payment Process Flow

The process of an online payment generally follows the following process:

  1. Customer selects products and/or services to buy
  2. Customer goes to to the checkout page
  3. Customer selects a payment method
  4. Customer confirms the purchase
  5. Customer is send to the payment provider
  6. Customer completes the purchase
  7. Customers is send back to the website
  8. Customer is shown the result message

If we break this down into which step is done by who, we can see who is responsible. In this example we take VirtueMart as the shopping system.

  1. VirtueMart
  2. VirtueMart
  3. VirtueMart
  4. VirtueMart
  5. RO Payments
  6. Payment Provider
  7. RO Payments
  8. VirtueMart


What happens after step 4 is that VirtueMart has no idea how to talk to your payment provider but RO Payments does. VirtueMart will handover control to RO Payments and tells how much the customer needs to pay. This information is then send to the Payment Provider including the payment method, if available. Customer can then perform the actual payment and when that is completed the Payment Provider will inform RO Payments of the result.

Now that we have the result of the payment RO Payments will inform VirtueMart and hand the customer back to VirtueMart to show the result page.

This works the same way with all other extensions.


What do you need?

To be able to receive online payments you need the following:

  • RO Payments
  • An active contract with a supported payment provider
  • One of the extensions on the supported extensions list

With these 3 items you can setup the process as explained above.

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