Accordeon Menu CK Pro
The menu Accordeon CK is an advanced accordion menu system that allows you to insert some descriptions for each menu link, to load any module in the menu structure, and display some image beside the text or just without any text. Menu manager Edit your menu items directly into the interface from the module to set the title, description of each menu item, and to load a module into a submenu
Advanced options
Use the styling interface to create the look and design of your menu, add options on menu items (rel, css class, description ...), and load any module in your menu.
Third party compatible
You can load your items from
- Joomla menu
- Hikashop
- Virtuemart
- Joomshopping
- Adsmanager
- K2
- Articles by date
- Articles by category
Design interface
You can manage you menu design and create your own styles very easily using an instant preview interface. Manage your menu styles directly from the module administration, without technical knowledge required, and no need to edit the files.
Features of Accordeon Menu CK
- Animated effects
- Multiple use on the same page
- Responsive design
- Fast menu manager to set the title, description, icon, image and module, for each link
- Fast styling interface
- Multiple usage on the same page
- Description under each link
- Unlimited levels
- Click or mouseover behavior
- Custom +/- images
- Graphic themes
- Import / Export of styles to save and share
- Custom CSS option
- Modules loading in the menu
- MVC structure
- SEO optimization, CSS compilation
- Image without text
- iPhone, iPad, and Android compatibility
- Specific mobile menu (with Mobile Menu CK)
- Compatibility with multiple sources : Virtuemart, Hikashop, K2, Joomshopping, Adsmanager
Pro version
Menu manager
Icon selection
Image selection
Module loading in menu
CSS themes
CSS compilation
Styling / Design interface (Light options)
Load items from a Joomla menu
Load items from Hikashop
Load items from Virtuemart
Load items from Joomshopping
Load items from Adsmanager
Load items from K2
Load items from articles by date
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