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AdsManager Gold

Version v3.2.15
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site JULOA external
License Read Rules external
Views 6,178
Dev Price € 50
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 1
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Remember to extract zip file!

AdsManager - incl (All Components PaidSystem, Invoicing, VirtualMoney, JMobApp, Plugins & Third-party) is the leading classified ads component for Joomla! Real Estate, Cars, Pets, Electronics, Furniture, whatever your classified project is, AdsManager can be configured to fit many needs. AdsManager provides plenty of options, flexible views and extensions to help you to build your websites. AdsManager is used by webmasters and developers alike:

If you are a webmaster and not a developer, you will like Adsmanager as a ready to deploy solution.


If you are a developer and you want a component that can be easily adapted or extended. AdsManager is for you. The code has been written using the MVC Joomla architecture and with KISS principle (KISS= Keep it simple, Stupid!) KISS systems work best because they are kept simple rather than made complex. Simplicity is the key design goal and unnecessary complexity is avoided.


Custom Fields
And a lot fieldtype
Discover a wide selection of field type and create your own fields !

A complete configuration
Manage AdsManager easily
A complete configuration is available for AdsManager, you can custom it to fit your needs !

Manage your Categories
And a lot more !
Each elements of AdsManager can be set like you want.

Organize your views
With a new drag'n'drop feature
Create and manage positions for each views and assign fields to them.

Complete images management
with custom settings
Choose a watermark, the size or the type of resize for the ads images !

Large selection of modules...
... and a lot more !
AdsManager comes with a complete selection of modules and plugins for your ads!

We’d love to hear how satisfied with your download, please give it a rate of stars and leave a review. We will be grateful.
2 years ago
Your review
Unfortunately, it cannot be installed, there is no support anymore.
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  • Member Admin 2 years ago
    I have tested on J3.10.10 & PHP 7.4.29. It's been installed without any error, as you said there is no more support. AdsManager - End of life. We will refund your download and change the price to be free.
    Thank you for your valuable feedback.
    • Jirka Member 2 years ago
      The latest stable version should also work on Joomla 4. I tried on J4 and PHP 7.4 and unfortunately. Joomla 3 is now a thing of the past and I don't want to go back to it. Thank you!