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Sourcerer Pro

Version v12.0.1
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Regular Labs external
License Read Rules external
Views 4,497
Dev Price € 39
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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Remember to extract zip file!

Sourcerer enables you to place PHP and any kind of HTML style code (including CSS and JavaScript) right in to your content! Not only in your articles, but also in sections, categories, modules, components, META tags, etc. You can now just place your original codes right into your WYSIWYG editor. The only thing you have to do is surround the code with the Sourcerer tags. Easy peasy!


So now you can also use PHP scripts in your content. That opens up a great deal of possibilities.

Most Joomla! Text Editors will strip parts of your HTML code, like JavaScripts (think of statistics scripts) and movie embed tags. With Sourcerer you won't have these limitations.

Easy to use editor button
Sourcerer comes with a very easy to use editor button. This will help you paste your code in a clean format that will not cause any problems. Also it comes with syntax coloring (php, js, css, html).


Pro features
All features available in the free version, plus:
Easily Include Files
Ability to include files (CSS, JS, PHP) with an easier, shorter syntax, using dedicated attributes or the more advanced editor button.
Include Method
When including PHP files you can also specify the Include Method you want to use.
Advanced Security Settings
Ability to set security levels on article, component and other area levels

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