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SP Upgrade - Migrations J3.x to

SP Upgrade - Migrations J3.x to J4.x

Version v5.2.2
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site KAINOTOMO PH LTD external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,759
Dev Price € 39
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Remember to extract zip file!

Migrate your old Joomla! sites with the best, most popular, used on thousands of sites already, by thousands of satisfied users, component and keep your Google Rank safe.


  • Joomla version 3.x and 4.x supported, refers to all releases of Joomla 3 and 4

The simple process

  • Install a new version of Joomla anywhere, (your live server, or a remote server, or even on your PC)
  • Install SP Upgrade,
  • Connect to the source database,
  • Click the transfer button,
  • Enjoy your new site.


It works! The popularity of this component (thousands of sites already migrated) and the high level of users satisfaction, proves that it gets the job done.

All are set up right, asset table entries, article IDs, categories, access levels, authors, parameters... everything.

Same id's

Why is this so important?

  • Google ranking is not affected

  • No broken internal links (e.g. within your articles)

  • No broken external links. Those are links from other domains to your site


Ability to transfer ALL core Joomla! data, with no exceptions.

  • Users

  • Articles (along with their Sections and Categories)

  • Contacts

  • Web Links removed since Joomla! 3.4

  • News Feeds

  • Banners

  • Menus ability to transfer all menu items, and not only of the core components

  • Modules ability to transfer all modules, and not only the core

  • Tags

  • All extensions data!


Except the core Joomla! data, from 1.5 all extensions data can be transferred to the new site.


Also transfer your images. *See notes below.

Assets table

Assets table built as it should be.

Loading process simulates human manual creation resulting all content to be fully compatible and ready to utilize the new Joomla features.


The component do not mess with your live source site.


If for any reason the migration is interrupted (e.g. timeout) you can continue from the point it stopped. Repeat process as many times as wish. It keeps track what is already transferred.

That allow the transfer of any amount of data. No problem either you migrate 10 or 100.000.000 items. It just takes longer!


You already have a new site, and just need to transfer the articles, or users, or anything else? Choose what to transfer.

You may select to transfer one article, or more, or all, or all data. You also have the ability to avoid overwriting the existing data on the new site, instead assign new ids.

A very useful feature for people who install fully template's sites with sample data, or already did some job on the new site and do not wish to loose their effort.

Bring the new

Need some time to configure the new site, and meanwhile new data, like users, articles etc, are created in the old?

No problem, just rerun process before you go live and it will bring the new data. So, there is no reason to hurry to go live, or keep offline the live site.


Monitor real-time the process of migration (suitable for big sites) and review the stored log results.


You are able to migrate with a read-only database user. Useful for outsourcing the migration process.


You can migrate from a remote server where your live site is located, to another remote server (e.g your development environment, or local PC) where the new Joomla! site is installed.


All languages are supported.


Migrate everything with with no exceptions.

Core Data:
- Users
- Articles (along with their Sections and Categories)
- Contacts
- Web Links
- News Feeds
- Banners
- Menus ability to transfer all menu items, and not - only of the core components
- Modules ability to transfer all modules, and not only the core
- Tags
- All other extensions data!

- K2
- Kunena
- AcyMailing
- VirtueMart
- BreezingForms
- sh404sef
- JComments
- JEvents
- Community Builder
- Phoca Download
- Phoca Gallery
- Phoca Guestbook
- Phoca Maps
- jNews


SP Upgrade supports transferring between the various Joomla! versions as below:

1.5 -> 2.5
1.5 -> 3.x
1.5 -> 4.x
1.6 -> 2.5
1.6 -> 3.x
1.6 -> 4.x
1.7 -> 2.5
1.7 -> 3.x
1.7 -> 4.x
2.5 -> 3.x
2.5 -> 4.x
3.x -> 3.x
3.x -> 4.x
4.x -> 4.x

We’d love to hear how satisfied with your download, please give it a rate of stars and leave a review. We will be grateful.
1 year ago
Your review
Great tool! I'm using to migrate a lot of joomla websites!
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