VP Advanced User
Advanced User Login, Registration and Profile component for Joomla. One click social login with Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, Live, Linkedin, Foursquare, GitHub, PayPal, Yandex and many OpenID hosts. Unlimited custom fields, email as username, Ajax username and email availability check, password strength meter, profile picture, email template management and many more...
One click social login and registration with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, Live, Linkedin, Foursquare and many OpenID hosts. Unlimited custom fields, email as username, Ajax username & email availability check, password strength meter, profile picture, email template management and many more. Advanced Login, Registration and User Profile component for Joomla.
Unique Features:
- Quick social authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, Live, Lindedin, Foursquare and many OpenID hosts. Optional auto registration with no email verification.
- Make your site user friendly by accepting both email address or username for login. Optionally remove username field also from registration form and use email as username.
- Customise user registration email, forgot password email, admin notification email etc with email template feature. Send high quality branded mobile friendly HTML email.
- Add/edit custom fields to user registration form and profile form. Some of these fields like first name, last name, date of birth etc get auto populated during social authentication.
- Ajax profile picture field allows user to upload their own profile picture. Display their avatars in login modules, in profile page or as a part of Author Information in articles.
- Make blog posts more professional by showing (optional) information about the author in core Joomla! articles. You can place it either above or below the article body as your choice.
- The component comes with its own beautifully designed modal login and modal registration module. Customize the look of the buttons from module settings and display it wherever you want.
- Professional registration form validation with Ajax username and email availability check, live password check as per password strength settings and handy password strength meter.
- Show social login feature anywhere in your site by adding simple moscode in the layout. Email as username in login accepted through out the site. One click VirtueMart integration.
- Compatibility - Joomla! 3.5 or above.