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Version v5.2.2
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site DJ-Extensions external
License Read Rules external
Views 8,301
Dev Price € 79
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 4

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DJ-Catalog2 - incl (Payments, Languages, Extra 3rd Party). DJ-Catalog2 is a powerful and easy to use directory/catalogue solution. It's the best the choice if you need product directory/catalogue and e-commerce like features (like online store without option to pay for the products). Building own directory site was never such easy!


It's the best the choice if you need product directory/catalogue and e-commerce like features (like online store without option to pay for the products).

The component can be used as a shop, because of the shopping cart feature introduced in the latest version!

DJ Catalog2 offers now e-commerce functionality!
It gives a wide range of possibilities:

  • making orders by registered or guest users,
  • possibility to create various payment and delivery methods,
  • basic stock control,
  • Payment methods
  • Delivery methods
  • product combinations,
  • and VAT handling,
  • compare products,
  • tiered pricing (unique feature)
  • Product types
  • Address book
  • Product weight and dimensions - including product combinations
  • Coupon generator
  • User/customer extra fields support
  • Custom order statuses
  • Invoice/proforma attached to emails


Simply setup the directory /catalog into your Joomla site!

DJ-Catalog2 directory extension is simple to set up and provides modern & responsive output without the need for advanced configuration.

Directory component integrates with the site's template and design. It also has multilingual and RTL support.


With DJ-Catalog2 you can create almost any directory website. There are no limits!

You can add the directory catalog functionality to the existing website or build a complete directory website from scratch.

That can be a product directory, trips, services, or any directory/catalog solution.

DJ-Catalog2 directory extension comes with many features needed for a successful directory website!


Build a great, fully-featured directory in your Joomla site easily with DJ-Catalog2!

An administrator can easily manage an unlimited amount of:
- directory categories and subcategories
- directory products (also child products/product's variants!)
- producers
- images
- videos
- attachments
- custom fields
- locations
- customers
- queries


The directory extension comes with many deeply configurable modules.

Frontend management

Users can manage directory listings from the frontend.
DJ-Catalog2 directory extension also comes with flexible Joomla ACL support.

There are many possible ways of setting the output of the DJ-Catalog2 directory extension.
You can assign different outputs to directory categories, menu items, and even single directory products.
You can also allow directory extension users to choose the best layout style of the listing (the handy switch that allows changing the table view to grid/blog view).


This fantastic directory component comes with two independent (responsive ready) themes out of the box (default and bootstrapped).

DJ-Catalog2 gives the possibility to build a directory for many branches (Business Directory, Product directory, Movies directory, Wedding Directory, etc.)
and it comes with a unique SEO functionality (easily change the url settings)

You can add social icons & buttons where you want. (top, bottom, after the title, after content, directory product page,
directory category page, producer page)

Multilanguage support
Directory elements are fully translation-ready!
You can use popular multilanguage Joomla solutions (Falang & JoomFish) to translate DJ Catalog 2 directory content elements.
There is also a core support for multiple languages and associations (native Joomla! multilingual support) - products, categories, producers, and extra fields.

Extra fields
Users are able to create field groups for different types of directory products and group extra fields.

DJ-Catalog2 users can customize/manage the pictures and images used in the directory.

Import option
DJ-Catalog2 directory component gives the possibility of import from .csv file products, categories, and producers.

Queries/query cart
Users are able to ask questions about single products as well as multiple products at once.
The administrator can review queries in the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension control panel.

With DJ Catalog 2 directory solution you are able to display directory products on Google Maps.
Each user profile as well as directory product can be assigned to a location and then searched on a map.


Premium Apps

There is a first premium app for DJ-Catalog2 available: Ajax Filters App
It provides the fastest way to filter the results in DJ-Catalog2. No need for the reload of the browser, just dynamically loaded results.



DJ Catalog 2 has an extended directory extension tutorial section where you can find many thematic articles, and learn more about the directory component.
These tutorials can be for beginners and advanced users as well.
See the complete list of available directory component tutorials:

**Learn more about Customers / Users attributes and extra fields **
How to controll customer attributes more flexibly and create custom fields.

**Core support for multilingual sites **
How to assign categories, products, producers, or extra fields to different languages.

Learn about order statuses
Check how to manage order statuses.

Learn more about Email templates & messaging
See how to modify the contents of the e-mail notifications and create your own templates.

**Learn more about the User Action log plugin **
You can monitor different types of activities performed by your users.

Labels - badges & automatic labels
How to manage badges & automatic labels.

**Invoices, proformas, waybills - PDF documents **
How to disable invoices or send them via e-mail.

**How to use the Inpost delivery method for DJ-Catalog2 **
See how to use the InPost plugin for the DJ-Catalog2 extension.

Exporting orders and queries into CSV file
See how to configure this option and export orders and queries into the CSV file from the front-end and back-end.

Extended permissions
There are several permissions that can be configured in order to manage the component by a specific user group.

Extra attributes from different groups in comparing page
There is a possibility to compare extra attributes belonging to different groups.

Related accessories
Add additional products that will be displayed as suggested (up selling) in the checkout process on the Cart page.

Shipment split
This feature allows splitting the order into several shipments based on product shipping days data.

New types of customization fields
Discover new types of fields for Product customization: Radio buttons and Checkboxes.

DJ-Catalog2 has a wishlist feature that allows users to save selected products in one location.

Price rules
This feature allows for creating global price rules with a specific calculation type.

How to use the coupon generator?
See how to add any number of discount coupons at once.

How to use the address book?
See how to store multiple delivery addresses.

How to manage invoices?
See how to create, manage, and generate invoices / proforma documents.

How to set the product types?
See how to determine whether the product is tangible, virtual, or a subscription.

How to enable preview popup
See how to display product specific details directly from the list of products page - without leaving it nor being redirected individual single product page.

DJ Catalog 2 with multi-language option using FaLang
We’ve prepared a short instruction where we show the integration of FaLang Extension with DJ Catalog 2 directory extension.

How to change CSS or layout files
See how to create an own theme as the solution for changes in DJ Catalog 2 directory extension CSS code

Translating DJ Catalog 2 fields using Localise translation extension
See how to translate DJ-Catalog2 directory extension parts editing language files without FTP access.

"You haven't published any menu item [...]" - what's that?
Once you install DJ-Catalog 2 directory extension you'll notice the message: "You haven't published any menu item linking to root category in Categories (Items) view. It is highly advised to do so."

How to use captcha with "Ask about this product" form
This tutorial is about core Joomla ReCaptcha functionality for DJ-Catalog directory extension"Ask about this product" form.

How to resize images?
Check how to resize images in the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension.

How to change DJ Catalog 2 Pagebreak plugin format
There are three different methods of displaying the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension pagebreak plugin available.

When I attach a file to a product and try to download it I get this error message: 403 - You are not authorized to view this resource
See how to set the permissions correctly to allow your guests to download the files.

I like the idea of a tabbed interface, how does it work? How to use PageBreak in DJ Catalog 2
Tabs can be created in the product's full description editor. See how to create each tab.

How to change image ordering in DJ Catalog 2?
See how to change the ordering of the images in the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension and display different images as a first image in the catalog.


Video Tutorials

DJ Catalog 2 directory extension for Joomla comes with a set of useful video tutorials. We recommend to watch these videos and discover some useful DJ Catalog 2 features.
There will be more directory extension videos.

DJ Catalog 2 - Price rules in DJ-Catalog2
It's the main new e-commerce feature in DJ-Catalog2. Using this option allows creating global price rules with a specific calculation type.
The price rule can be configured for various occasions as well as for selected countries only.

DJ Catalog 2 - Query cart functionality explained
Instead of asking about each product separately customers can put a bunch of products into a cart and send a query.
All queries are stored in the database. In fact, you can use it as a simple ordering system as well.
In this video, we show how to enable the quote "basket" and how to use it.

DJ Catalog 2 - Frontend Submission
This Video Tutorial explains how to setup frontend submission in the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension.
You can see how to configure the component to allow users to submit items from the frontend, how to create user items/products view, how to submit an item as a user, and more.

DJ Catalog 2 - Import From CSV Tutorial
This step-by-step video tutorial explains how to setup DJ Catalog 2 (Joomla catalog/directory extension) to import from CSV files.



DJ Catalog 2 directory extension offers many integrations, which has a positive impact on this directory extension's possibilities.

Falang integration
Integration with Falang integration gives the possibility to translate installed gallery extension elements like albums or items.

Artio Joomsef
Add SEO support for DJ Catalog 2 directory extension.

OSmap plugin
Display ads & categories in OSMap sitemap.

DJ-MediaTools plugin
Allows to use DJ Catalog 2 directory extension Items as a source of DJ-MediaTools Albums

Joomla User Profile plugin
Allows to add additional information to user profile

Joomla! Search component
Allows to search inside the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension content

Allows to review, rate, and comment DJ Catalog 2 directory extension items.

Komento Plugin
Allows you to comment on directory extension products items.

Disqus plugin
Allows users to comment on directory extension items.

FB Comments plugin
Allows Fb users to comment on directory extension items.

JComments plugin
Allows users to comment directory extension items

JoomFish plugin
Allows easy and immediate management of multilingual texts.



The directory Joomla extension comes with multilingual translations in:

  • English
  • Polish
  • Spanish
  • Bulgarian
  • Japanese
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese-Brasil
  • French
  • Hungarian
  • Russian
  • Chinese
  • Farsi
  • Dutch
  • Turkish
  • Danish
  • Portuguese

We regularly update and expand the number of the DJ Catalog 2 directory extension translations.

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Good component for a small shop on Joomla!
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