Component Architect
Component Architect allows you to build custom components with your own tables and fields that closely matches, but extends, the functionality you get in the core Joomla components.
There are no limits to the number of tables, fields or times you can generate. Code Templates for Joomla 3.x and 2.5 are included in the Component Architect install package and will be updated with new functionality in core Joomla as it is introduced.
Using the included Component Wizard you can quickly create your first component and tables (with existing table import).
This is NOT a generator which just creates a basic skeleton MVC structure with simple CRUD admin and front end functionality! You get fully working multi-table components, modules and plugins!
You select at component and/or table level the functionality you want - your components, modules and plugins only have the code they need. All with a very high match to Joomla standards and compliant with the MVC structure.
What you can get in a generated component includes:
Fully working admin component:
- List view
- Edit view
- Filters
- Batch processing
- Categories
- Tags
- Version Control
- ACL (component and record level)
- All core fields - state, access, created fields, modified fields etc etc can be defined
- Core Joomla field types plus modal views for linked tables
- Client and Server side validation code generation (this is also in the front end)
Fully working front end component:
Each view has fully defined menu parameters so you perform all the customisation of what is shown in a view via the menu items - this includes having global defaults and record level overrides. Views included are:
- Categories and Category views
- Blog view
- List view (default) - with filters and search
- Article View (mimics the core article view)
- Single Item View (default)
- Form view for Edit/Create
Plugins for core functionality:
- Item navigation
- Pagebreak
- Vote
- Search
- Smart Search (Finder)
Modules to present your data:
- Most popular items
- Recently created items
- Alphabetically
- By user
- By category
- Featured items
Custom Installation package:
Manifest files for all extensions and a custom component installer script which will install everything generated.
All of this is supported with 'in' component help files and a downloadable Quick Start guide.
Download of Component Architect does not require registration but access to downloadable documentation and the support forum does.