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Articles Anywhere

Articles Anywhere Pro

Version v16.2.0
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Regular Labs external
License Read Rules external
Views 4,001
Dev Price € 39
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 3.4

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Articles Anywhere - place articles anywhere you can enter text.

Articles Anywhere is a powerful plugin that allows you to insert articles anywhere on your site, including within modules, 3rd party components, and even inside other articles.


Not only you can place complete articles, but also only place specific data (like Title, Readmore Link, Text, Images, Custom Fields, etc). You have full control over how you want to display that data and how to style it.


This can change the way you use your articles completely. For instance:

  • Create custom modules displaying the article or articles you want.
  • Create pages that show a number of defined articles
  • Create your own blog type pages
  • Create lists of article links (and other data)
  • Use an article as a content snippet, which you can include in multiple other articles/pages


How to use it:

It is really easy to use Articles Anywhere.
You simply place a plugin tag in the content wherever you want the article to show.


This example will place the entire Fluffy Kittens article wherever you place this code:

{article Fluffy Kittens}{/article}


This code will only place a large title and the intro text of the article:

{article Fluffy Kittens} [title] [intotext] {/article}


The PRO version also allows you to place multiple articles based on Filters, like Category, Tags, Custom Fields, etc, by using the {articles} tag.


This example will place linked titles of all articles found in the "Cats" category with a "Hairy" tag:


{articles category="Cats" tags="Hairy"}[link][title][/link] {/articles}


Articles Anywhere offers a lot more cool features, making it a truly powerful and flexible tool you can use to create all sorts of article-based output, and also comes with a handy editor button to help you insert the code you need.

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