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DJ-Classifieds - Popular Classif

DJ-Classifieds - Popular Classifieds

Version v3.10.1
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site DJ-Extensions external
License Read Rules external
Views 4,523
Dev Price $ 67
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DJ-Classifieds - incl (Payment Plugins, Languages, Addons, Apps, Importer, 3rd Party, Resources, Maps, Premium Apps, Shipping, Modules). It's a powerful classifieds tool for building the classifieds section on your website. It’ll do all the hard work for you. If you are looking for an easy to use Joomla extension for creating classified ads with your Joomla, then DJ Classifieds will be the best solution for you. This classified ads extension is suitable to create any classifieds. It does not matter if you want to create a general ads section, job listing, real-estate ads, dating portal, or city portal classifieds.Some of the DJ Classifieds features:


If you are looking for an easy to use Joomla extension for creating classified ads with your Joomla 3, then DJ Classifieds will be the best solution for you.

This classified ads extension is suitable to create any classifieds. It does not matter if you want to create a general ads section, job listing, real-estate ads, dating portal, or city portal classifieds.


DJ Classifieds classified ads extension comes with many useful features.

Your classifieds can bring you extra revenue by monetizing the many options available to users.
This extension offers advanced search module flexibility and provides a highly configurable location setup.

You can set an unlimited amount of custom fields.


Get the whole community engaged on your site, with auction selling options that do it a smooth and efficient service for both buyers and sellers.

Easily customize the layout of categories into a blog and table view, and even in the advert details view as well.

DJ Classifieds classified ads component has a built-in slider, which gives the possibility to display classifieds attractively!

Each user or advertiser can access a personal panel to manage ads.
DJ Classifieds users can add images and video URLs from Youtube or Vimeo.


It also offers many free modules - you can build your classifieds website easily and quickly.

DJ Classifieds works with many 3rd party Joomla extensions, and it offers premium apps - you can add extra functionality to DJ Classifieds, allowing to use additional features.


Some of the DJ Classifieds classified ads extension features:

  • Auctions Buy now feature
  • Watermarks Email templates
  • HTML5 geolocation option to edit ads by unregistered users
  • Conditional fields
  • Recurring payments
  • multi-upload Search in defined radius from Post Code. Now user can search classifieds only at a certain distance from his place.
  • Possibility to display extra fields in category (table or blog) view. You can choose if you want to make a separate column for a filed in the table view or if you want to display all extra fields in one column 'additional info.' Possibility to disable adding adverts to a certain category. You can use this feature to force your users to post ads in subcategories, not in main categories. For example, in 'vans' instead of 'cars.'
  • 'Move to the top of the list' feature - users can move their ads to the top of the list. And you can charge for that.
  • Jomsocial integration plugin included
  • Community Builder integration
  • Yandex Maps support
  • Easy social integration
  • GDPR component integration.
  • Responsive templates support
  • Payment plugins - Payment plugins allow you to charge for classifieds with different payment methods.
  • Types - Types are like additional categorization for adverts. You can use it for things like "free," "exchange," or whatever comes to your mind.
  • Duration - If you want to charge a different price for the amount of time the advert is published, you can add unlimited durations.
  • Monetize - Place any banner or AdSense ad in different module positions inside the component! There are plenty of module positions inside the component that you can evaluate for your promotional or other purposes.
  • Locations - Highly configurable locations set up. Set country and almost any location scenario (country-state-city, or country-city-suburb-street, etc.), Works with google maps module, Unlimited locations
  • Categories - Unlimited categories, Categories with images, Display amount of adverts in a category, Individual rates for category (you can charge for posting into a certain category), Restrict category to certain user groups
  • Extra fields - In DJ Classifieds, you can set an unlimited set of custom fields to fit them into business areas your site will advertise.
  • Show Google Maps on click
  • Microdata tags support
  • Print for ads
  • Batch Processing


Multifunctional modules

  • DJ Classifieds comes with free modules that let you build your classifieds Joomla website easily: search module, categories module, maps module, the user menu module
  • Advanced search module - The search/filter gives you the option to allow to search/filter the results basing on many different conditions.
  • Google-maps-integration
  • Videos and images - let users add images and videos - youtube/Vimeo set amount of images set the weight of the images advanced images pre and post-processing [recreate] search for ads with videos and images

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Perfect extension love it for my project
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