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DJ-MediaTools - Photo & video gal

DJ-MediaTools - Photo & video gallery


DJ-MediaTools - Photo & video gallery  v2.19

Version v2.19
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site DJ-Extensions external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,843
Dev Price € 63
Price € 5 6 Months Free Updates

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DJ-MediaTools - incl (3rd Party, Integrations, Languages) is a responsive gallery and slideshow extension for Joomla that mix both functionalities! It gives the possibility to create photo galleries and slideshows quickly!

This versatile and highly customizable Joomla gallery component comes with many powerful features.


First of all, you can choose from 9 available gallery and slideshow layouts and show your images or videos (locally stored or Youtube or Vimeo, Dailymotion, MetaCafe, Liveleak, Yahoo movies).


This versatile and highly customizable Joomla gallery component comes with many powerful features.


Available layouts
(you can display each album in any layout you need; all pictures or images in the gallery or slider of your choice will fit automatically no metter which one is chosen):
- Gallery Grid
- Masonry
- Slideshow
- Slideshow with thumbnails
- Tabber
- Modern Slider
- Slider
- Kwicks Panels
- Skitter layout
- Nivo layout
- Horizontal Swipe layout


Multi uploader
You do not have to add image by image, but upload them quickly and quickly change the ordering (drag and drop feature).


Responsive and touch-ready!
As mentioned before, the DJ-MediaTools gallery component is responsive; it means it works perfectly on different devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobiles).


Play videos directly on the slide!
You can add full video playback directly in the slide (with all the controls available in the video streaming service, you can also use mp4 videos).


Images and pictures optimization for better performance
DJ-MediaTools provides images optimization (images in the gallery are automatically scaled and presented in the best resolution keeping it as low as possible), watermarks option, and easy to use CSS3 animations and effects. A lot of-of them!
It uses the resmushit engine to optimize images!


What's more?
Create the gallery or slider album right from the back-end component or live when creating an article. Thanks to integrations with other extensions, gallery images can be taken from different sources:
- Joomla articles (images from the articles can be displayed in the gallery or slideshow)
- HikaShop (display product images as a gallery or a slideshow)
- DJ-Catalog2 (product item images can be displayed as a gallery or slider)
- Facebook (use Facebook comments for each item in the gallery!)
- K2 (item images can be displayed as a gallery or slider)
- EasyBlog (use the pictures from EasyBlog items as gallery or slider items)
- DJ-Classifieds (display adverts’ pictures and images as a gallery or slideshow)
- Disqus (can be used to comment on the gallery items)
- VirtueMart (display product images as a gallery or a slideshow)
- Joomla SobiPro (SobiPro items’ images can be displayed in the gallery and slider in one of the available layouts)
- JComments (can be used to comment on the gallery items)
- Falang (use to make the gallery multilanguage)


There are also many more powerful features. Some of them are:
- Background video
- Presets (along with the possibility to import and export presets to files)
- Joomla custom field with DJ-MediaTools Album
- Photoswipe lightbox script
- Unlimited Albums and gallery items,
- Speed settings,
- Continuous Loop for sliders,
- Friendly admin panel,
- Beautiful gallery layouts,
- Save as Copy for albums,
- EXIF data reader for images,
- Views/clicks counter
- Adding images from the server.


Discover them all!

DJ-MediaTools gallery component offers many language translations (read below for more info)!

DJ-MediaTools site includes a tutorial section where you can find many thematic articles, learn what Joomla gallery extension is, and use its features.
This collection of gallery tutorials, guides, and tips is highly recommended for beginners and advanced users. We still publish new articles. Stay up to date!
Check the list of available gallery component tutorial articles:


How to build a card-like gallery with DJ-MediaTools
We show how to create a "card-like" type of gallery in the DJ-MediaTools extension.


How to import/export presets in DJ-MediaTools
Users can import saved presets and use them on different Joomla installations with the DJ-MediaTools extension.


How to add images using the file browser
Adding images in DJ-MediaTools from the server is possible with the new file browser.


**How to use the views/clicks counter for DJ-MediaTools items **
You can start counting views and clicks of DJ Media Tools items in common or separately.


How to customize slide in DJ-MediaTools
Make a creative slideshow with unregular shapes, customized colors for each element of the slide.


How to use Album Custom Field?
With the DJ-MediaTools custom field plugin, you can utilize the custom fields in Joomla articles with DJ-MediaTools.


Should I use Magnific Popup or Photoswipe lightbox option?
This new lightbox type is ideal for image albums for mobile devices. Choose it if your album is made of images, and you want to give nice control over the gallery for tablets, phones, etc.


How to apply album settings into other albums?
Use the Presets to keep consistency between different areas of your website


Playback full video with sound and controls directly in the slideshow
You can play the videos directly on the slide without opening them in the modal window. Depending on what fits you best, you can use one method (in slide or modal/popup window).


How to use video background instead of an image in the slideshow?
If you want to create a more eye-catching slideshow on your website, you can now use YouTube, Video, or MP4 videos in the slideshow instead of a static image.


How to optimize images with lossless compression
DJ-MediaTools is designed to display images without wasting the loading time and bandwidth.


How to disable watermarks for the individual album?
If you use watermarks in the DJ-MediaTools, you may need to disable them for some albums.


How to change the settings of the album inserted with editor button?
Thanks to the "Presets" functionality, you can set the default album preset for all the Albums inserted from the Joomla article (or any other extension where the system plugins can be evaluated) and keep consistency across all the Albums created or inserted that way.


How to set front-end album submission
You can allow users of the given group to create or edit gallery albums. Learn how to use the front-end gallery album managing feature.


How to use Masonry album layout
See how to use the Masonry layout in component view and a module - it can be a handy feature when you want to display a gallery but do not want to crop included images.


How to create a full-width slider in DJ-MediaTools?
Displaying the slideshow on the whole window width is not a complicated task. Check how to do it.


How to display events from DJ-Events as a DJ-MediaTools album
Display DJ-Events as a gallery album in DJ-MediaTools is easier than you think. Just follow few steps presented in the article.


Watermarks in DJ-MediaTools [VIDEO]
This tutorial explains how Watermarks in DJ-MediaTools gallery works - watch the video!


How to add a locally stored video to DJ-MediaTools
Check how to add Video to the custom item in the gallery album.


How to display galleries in DJ-Classifieds adverts with DJ-MediaTools layouts
Display galleries in DJ-Classifieds ads view using any of the available gallery layouts.


Migration from DJ-ImageSlider to DJ-MediaTools
Learn how to migrate from DJ-ImageSlider (free Joomla slideshow & gallery extension) to the DJ-MediaTools component.


How to use FaLang with DJ-MediaTools
See how to translate DJ-MediaTools gallery content elements to any language you need.


Recipe - How to create gallery right from the regular Joomla article with DJ-MediaTools
Read how to create and insert images gallery from the regular Joomla article.


Besides the list of tutorials, there is an expanded DJ-MediaTools documentation section, where you can find a complete list of available included components’ packages, see how to install the gallery component, how to configure it, how to create a new gallery album, or new custom gallery item and much many more!


Video tutorials
DJ-MediaTools site contains a video section. We’ve crafted a set of video tutorials to teach you how to use some of our popular Joomla gallery tools and features. They should give you a good start. We’ll keep adding more.


Create Galleries from Joomla! Article
Learn how to create and add the gallery to the Joomla! An article in a straightforward way without leaving the article itself.


Multiupload and Drag & Drop
See how to create a new gallery album and add pictures easily thanks to a multi-upload and drag and drop options.


Automatic Thumbnails of YouTube and Vimeo movies
Video thumbnails management is an important feature - thumbnails can be automatically pulled from Youtube or Vimeo and used in the gallery and slideshows as the main images.


Virtuemart products support
The Virtuemart plugin is a result of the Joomla gallery and VirtueMart integration. It gives you control over displaying VirtueMart products.


New layout presentation - Modern Slider
See how the Modern slider layout for gallery & slideshow extension looks in practice.


Display galleries in DJ-Classifieds adverts view with DJ-MediaTools layouts.
See how to configure and display the gallery in DJ-Classifieds adverts view using prepared layouts.


How to apply watermarks
This video shows how to apply watermarks to the DJ-MediaTools gallery.


DJ-MediaTools comes with several integrations, which improves the extension's flexibility and allows the interactions between the gallery component and other Joomla extensions.


Joomla articles
The integration plugin allows us to set Joomla Content as a source of gallery component albums.


HikaShop Products can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools Gallery Albums.


This plugin allows us to use DJ-Catalog2 Items as a source of DJ-MediaTools Gallery Albums.


FB Comments allows Facebook users to comment on DJ-MediaTools gallery items.


K2 integration
K2 extension items can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums.


EasyBlog integration
The integration plugin can display EasyBlog items. It means they can be used in gallery albums.


DJ-Classifieds integration
Using this integration plugin is the best way to insert DJ-Classifieds ads as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums.


Disqus integration
Disqus users can easily comment DJ-MediaTools gallery items.


VirtueMart integration
Virtuemart Products can be used as a source of DJ-MediaTools gallery Albums.


Joomla SobiPro integration
Thanks to the integration plugin, users can set SobiPro as a source of gallery albums.


JComments integration
Thanks to an integration with JComments, users can comment DJ-MediaTools gallery item views.


Falang integration
Integration with Falang integration gives the possibility to translate installed gallery extension elements like albums or items.


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9 months ago
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Great tool for multimedia gallery!
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