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Form M

Form Maker


Form Maker  v3.6.11

Version v3.6.11
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site Web-Dorado external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,312
Dev Price $ 30
Price € Free 6 Months Free Updates
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Remember to extract zip file!

Form Maker is a user-friendly form builder with drag and drop interface, which allows easily move form fields for simple management. This will help to align form fields next to one another or arrange them in sections.

Form Maker extension uses built-in validation for some of the form fields, such as Email, Phone and Number fields. It lets you control the data type users fill in your form fields.

This form creator extension is built both for Joomla! 2.5 and its new version, Joomla! 3.x. Its features and functionality are stabilized for both of these platforms.

Form Maker is integrated with Google Maps. Therefore, you can add a map to your form using a simple user-friendly interface. The necessary address can be added in a few seconds using the address searching interface or by filling in geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude).



  • Cross-browser support
  • Mobile-friendly form interface.
  • PayPal integration with two checkout modes, Test Mode (PayPal Sandbox) and Production, and five form field types (Amount, Select, Checkbox, Radio, and Shipping).
  • 14 main form fields:
  • Custom HTML for displaying images and custom text among form fields
  • Text Input
  • Multiple choice
  • Single choice
  • Survey tools
  • Time and Date
  • Select box
  • File upload
  • Page break
  • Section break
  • Map
  • Paypal payment fields
  • Simple Captcha and Google ReCaptcha
  • Submit, Reset and Custom buttons
  • Integrated with standard Joomla! editor
  • Custom JavaScript support
  • Conditional formatting for form fields


Form Maker allows creating multi-page forms, you can also separate the form into sections with various number of columns. Every field includes Additional Attributes option, which lets you customize HTML attributes of form fields without having to write extra code. Form Maker extension also allows to add Hidden Field into your forms. You can set fields to be required, not allowing the user to submit the form without filling the field.

Upload field of Form Maker lets users to upload files through the form. The size of the acceptable file can be adjusted, in addition you can choose the file extensions you want to allow uploading to your form. Uploading multiple files through the form is also supported.

Form Maker can be used both in Joomla articles or be assigned to a custom position being used as a module.

The extension comes packed with advanced email settings and options. You can send submitted forms both to user and administrator. You can allow users to choose whether they wish to receive their form submission by selecting Send copy to submitter option.

In addition to being sent as an email, form entries are also being stored in MySQL database of your website. They are fetched and displayed on Form Maker > Submissions page. Here you can browse the form entries based on different filters or check out submissions statistics. CC and BCC options are supported for forwarding form submissions to multiple users.

Form Maker also provides themes with CSS stylesheets, which can be used to modify the appearance of the forms. The extension has default themes, which can be altered to fit your website design. In addition, you can create your own themes and use them for individual forms. To check out themes you can use Preview option.

To get general idea about Form Maker extension and its features, you can check the 11 sample forms it provides. You can create your own forms with the help of these built-in forms, as they can be copied. Alternatively, you can create your own forms from scratch.

Spam protection of the forms is being handled in two ways. You can add Simple Captcha or Google ReCaptcha to your form or in case of specific IP submissions, you can use IP blocking feature.

If you are using forms to receive data which needs to be shared, you can use Front-end Submissions functionality of Form Maker extension. Note, that you can choose the fields you want to publish, and you can also choose the page audience by limiting the form data display to specific user levels.

There are various opportunities for advanced users of Form Maker. Firstly, you can use form layout feature to edit the structure of the form at code level.

You can use MySQL Mapping functionality of Form Maker to generate Insert, Update or Delete MySQL queries, which execute upon form submission. You can connect forms to different databases this way. There is also an option to use database values in the forms using Select Options from Database setting for Select Box, Multiple and Single choice fields.


1. How can I install Form Maker?

Sign in to Joomla! administrative panel as a Super User, then go to Extensions > Extension Manager page. Press Choose file (Browse) button and select the .zip folder of Form Maker. Click Upload and Install.

Note: You need to select the corresponding version of Form Maker .zip file created for your Joomla! Platform (2.5 or 3.x).

2. How can I activate Form Maker plugin (Load Form Maker)?

Navigate to Extensions > Plug-in Manager page, and search for Form Maker. Enable Content - Load Form Maker plugin, and you will be able to load forms with a shortcode in articles and custom modules.

3. How can I publish the created forms as a menu item?

Create a new menu item in your menu first. Afterwards, select the type of your menu item as Form Maker > Form. Provide a Title for your form, there are a few other optional attributes which you can fill in.

You will see a field for selecting a form on the right side of the panel. Press Select button and choose the form you wish to display.

4. How can I display my form in a module position?

Navigate to Extensions > Module Manager page using the options of top menu, then search for Form Maker Module. Edit it, and set Module Assignment and Position.

Make sure to set status as Published. There is a field for selecting a form on the right side. Press Select button and choose the form you need to display as a module.

5. Can the form be inserted into a Joomla! article?

Firstly, please enable Content - Load Form Maker plugin from Extensions > Plug-in Manager page. Afterwards, navigate to Components > Form Maker > Forms page from the top menu of your Joomla! administrative panel.

Select the shortcode of the form you want to publish using the box under Plugin Code column. Copy the code and paste it into your article.

6. Is the number of submissions for each form limited?

You can receive unlimited number of submissions for your forms. There are no limitations on the number of entries per form.

7. Can I export submitted information of my forms?

Form Maker extension lets you download all entries of each form with CSV or XML files. Navigate to Form Maker > Submissions page, then choose a form from the top.

Click on CSV or XML buttons, and the file containing all submissions of this particular form will be downloaded automatically.

8. Can I send the submitted information of a form to multiple email addresses?

Go to Form Options > Email Options of your form, where you will find Email to send submissions to setting. It lets you write multiple email addresses as recipients. Make sure to separate them with comma.

Also, CC and BCC options will let you select extra recipients.

9. Can I set email autoresponder with Form Maker?

Email to User toolbox of Form Maker extension allows you to set up a custom message and forward it to users, after they submit the form.

You can write any text into the content of the message, as well as include filled in form field values. Simply press field indicators, and they will be added to the content.

10. Can the frontend of Form Maker be translated?

You can translate the frontend of Form Maker extension the following way. Firstly, create [lang code].com_formmaker.ini file for your website language, then upload it to /language directory of your Joomla! Website.

Note, that this file needs to be the translation of its English version, en-GB.com_formmaker.ini, which is included in the product package.

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