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Helpdesk Pro

Version v6.0.3
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Ossolution Team external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,615
Dev Price $ 29
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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Helpdesk Pro is a professional Joomla 5.x, Joomla 4.x, Joomla 3.x, helpdesk/support tickets extension developed by Ossolution Team. Building on the top Joomla framework and Twitter Bootstrap, Helpdesk Pro not only provide you an easy to use, features rich, effective support tickets system but also a nice, clean, modern interface to end-users.


# Main features: 

Nested Categories
Create unlimited categories/sub-categories to categorize your support tickets.


Customers will select a category from categories dropdown while submitting support ticket.
Each category can (optional) have multiple managers. Managers will receive notification when ticket is submitted to the category and manage all tickets submitted to that category.
Each category can (option) have different custom fields to collect more information about the support request when ticket is submitted to that category if needed.

Easily Submit Ticket
Provide an easy way for customers to submit tickets to receive support from your company for the problem they are having.


As minimum, they need to select a category, enter ticket subject and message (describe the problem or why they need help).
If it is needed, you can create custom fields to collect more information about support requests. Custom fields can be different for each category.
Email notification will be sent to customers and admin/managers when ticket is submitted.
You can configure the system to allow public users to submit ticket without having to login.


Email Notifications
Sending notification email to managers/administrator when someone submit/add comment to a support ticket.
Sending notification email to customers when support ticket is replied.
Sending notification email to staff when he is assigned to a ticket.


Support up to 4 Roles in the system
Administrator: Can manage and reply to tickets from all categories.
Manager (optional): Manage and reply to tickets from category which he is assigned at the manager. Assign tickets to staff if needed.
Staff (optional): Work on the ticket which he is assigned to (by Administrator Or Manager).
Customer: Submit support tickets to receive help from your company.


Tickets Management
Manage, reply to support tickets both from frontend and backend of your site.

See list of support tickets, filter tickets by Category, Status, Priority, Staff, searching for tickets from certain customer (base on their name, username or email)
View the ticket, understand the problem, communicate with customers via the ticket until the support request completed. Add a comment and upload (optional) attachments each time you reply to the ticket.
Change Category, Status, Priority if needed. Close the ticket when the support request is done.


Create, Reply Tickets Via Email
Using System - Helpdesk Pro Reply Via Email plugin, tickets can easily be created and replied via email.

Support Tickets will be created automatically (to a pre-defined category) when someone sends email to the configured email.
Admin/Manager/Staff/Customers can reply to a ticket (add message, upload attachments) by replying to the received email directly from their mail client without having to login to the site, access to the ticket to response.


Tickets Report
Show you Tickets by Managers, Tickets by Staffs, Tickets by Categories reports in certain duration (Today, This Week, This Month, This Year, All). It gives you an overview of tickets for each criteria: Total Number Tickets, Number New Tickets, Number Pending Tickets...


Activities Report
Show you all activities in the system base on the response which admin/managers/staffs added to reply to support requests. It gives you a quick overview about what process are happening in the system, how fast your staffs reply for a support request for example. Activities could be filtered for a selected user.


Other Features
Ticket Attachments
Allow uploading multiple attachments (drag and drop is supported) while submit ticket or reply to a ticket.

Tickets History
Translate Categories, Statuses, Priorities, Emails & Messages, Language Items... to all the languages you are using on your website.

Pre-defined Replies
Add repeating answers to Pre-defined Replies and then when you reply to a support ticket, you can select that pre-defined reply into the response instead of having to type it again.

Ticket Labels
Allow you to add COLORED Labels, assign a label to ticket as an additional ways to categorize support tickets in the system.

Manage Ticket Statuses and Priorities
The system comes with some default ticket statuses and priorities . You can define new ticket status/priority if you want to meet your need.

Ticket Rating
Customers can rate for support tickets (1 to 5 stars) to show you how happy they are with your support for the ticket.

Export Tickets
Allow exporting all support tickets into CSV file. That exported data can then be used for your own purpose.

Code Highlight
Allow highlight code of the programming languages (PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS...) in support ticket, useful when you have to give code for your customers during support request.

Multilingual Support
Translate Categories, Statuses, Priorities, Emails & Messages, Language Items... to all the languages you are using on your website.

Community Builder Integration
Use Community Builder plugin to display tickets history of a user in his Community Builder Profile

Built-in Translation
Allow translating all language items used in the extension using administrator interface instead of having to edit language files.

One Click Update
Allow updating to latest version of the extension from within administrator area of your site each time there is new version releases.

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Excellent ticket support system plugin for joomla
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