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HikaAuction for Hika

HikaAuction for HikaShop

Version v3.2.0
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site Hikari Software Team external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,107
Dev Price 40 €
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4

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HikaAuction is a Bidding extension for all Joomla versions. It's quick to set up and will enable you to easily create, manage, and follow auctions on your HikaShop online shop. Your customers will bid for the product they want and the customer with the highest bid will win the auction.


HikaAuction is a Joomla! Bidding component for the e-commerce solution HikaShop. It's quick to set up and will enable you to easily create, manage, and follow auctions on your shop.


HikaAuction is a Joomla! Bidding component for the e-commerce solution HikaShop. It's quick to set up and will enable you to easily create, manage, and follow auctions on your shop. Your customers will bid for the product they want and the customer with the highest bid will win the auction.


Full description :

Build your auction website !
HikaAuction is a Joomla! component for the e-commerce solution HikaShop.
- Any HikaShop product can quickly become an Auction
- HikaMarket Multi-vendor Integration (Vendors can create their own Auctions from their frontend vendor interface)
- Instant Bidding notification emails
- Auctions listing
- Bidding history
- Customizable display
- Adapt the displaying by choosing what to dislpay (starting price, number of bids/bidders, bid history...)
- Email customization
- Auction countdown display
- Frontend auction history
- Multiple bidding modes
- Adapt the bid Increment between each bid
- Select the auction duration
- Backend Auctions listing with details
- Multi-language support

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