Ignite Gallery - Photo Gallery
Ignite Gallery is a full featured gallery with flexible options so you can create the gallery layout you want. Choose the demo link to see the galleries features in action. Works with all versions of Joomla 3 and Joomla 4. Front-end uploads/ Front-end image gallery creation. Moderation of images and galleries that are added in the frontend with email notification.
Image tagging, display tag filters, tags cloud module. Search images and galleries, Joomla smart search support. Password protection of galleries. Watermarking, Access Control (public/registered/special) over galleries and individual images...
✔Mobile friendly with swipe and responsive grid layouts
✔Embed video or sound from hosting sites like youtube/vimeo/soundcloud etc
✔Frontend gallery creation
✔Multiple image uploader with resize before upload
✔Image tagging and search
✔Watermarking of images
✔Top/ bottom/ left or right position for thumbs
✔Top/ bottom/ left/ right /overlay position for image descriptions
✔Lazyloading of images
✔Social sharing buttons
✔Download image button
✔Image commenting using Facebook comments or Jcomments
✔Image ratings
✔Optional plugin and module to place galleries into articles and module positions
✔Random/ Latest/ Most Viewed/ Highest rated galleries
✔Disable right click and save
✔Search engine friendly urls
More Features
Works with all versions of Joomla 3 and Joomla 4
Front-end uploads/ Front-end image gallery creation
Moderation of images and galleries that are added in the frontend with email notification
Image tagging, display tag filters, tags cloud module.
Search images and galleries, Joomla smart search support.
Password protection of galleries
WebP Image support
Access Control (public/registered/special) over galleries and individual images
Top/bottom/left/right position for thumbs
Top/bottom/left/right/overlay position for descriptions
Use the plugin to put one or many galleries into an article (with random/ latest/ most viewed/ highest rated options)
The gallery plugin works inside other Joomla content managers like K2 or Zoo
Use the module to put a gallery into a module position (with random/ latest/ most viewed/ highest rated options)
Add a link to any image (optional)
Language support for: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish.
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