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Version v 2.5
Compatibility J3 & J4
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Views 3,045
Dev Price 14 €
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JEXTN FAQ Pro is an easy and simple FAQ Joomla Component to use with powerful and excellent FAQ management features. You can select theme that fit your website using our multiple theme selection feature.!!

Recently Updated Features:

  • Goto backend click importCSV you can upload your CSV file.
  • Click exportCSV you can get the faq list in CSV file format.
  • If you want to add the large number of faq's in our site means create one .CSV file it contain 3 columns like (questions,answers,categoryname).
  • If you want to add the question in the existing category means use the same category name(case sensitive) in CSV file.

Features of JEXTN FAQ Pro:

  1. 20 InBuilt theme to stylize your listing.
  2. Supports Multiple Categories.
  3. Support languages English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Arabic, Norwegian, portuguese, Greek, Chinese, etc .
  4. Sh404sef plugin for SEO friendly url.
  5. Captcha option for preventing spam.
  6. Supports default Joomla search module to search the Faqs or the Categories.
  7. User can submit a new question, Email notification when a new question is submitted by a user.
  8. Admin can Publish/Unpublish/Edit/Delete the frequently asked question by user.
  9. Controls all the frontend view by using the backend settings.
  10. Supports Multi line Question & Answers with images.
  11. Category View - To display all the categories with the images with the short description.
  12. Listing View - To display all the questions present in all the categories.
  13. Compatibility of all third party joomla templates.
  14. Add Unlimitted categories from the back end.
  15. Settings for front end displays, views & themes and email.
  16. Adding any number of images inside any number of questions.
  17. You can order the faq listing from the backend.
  18. Admin can able to see ip address for users, hits & responses for each and every faq's
  19. Can Edit the HTML code more user friendly.
  20. Also we can add multimedia contents like youtube videos.
  21. Option for un-publishing frequently asked question & Categories, if you don’t want to show it to the front end.
  22. Easily adaptable for formatting the text like alignments, indentation, bullets list.. etc
  23. Font formatting : type, size, color, style, bold, italic.. etc
  24. FAQs view has the content of Create date, Hits, User Response.
  25. Cross Browser Support [ Firefox 3.x, Opera 9+, IE 5+,Safari,Firefox MAC, Safari MAC,etc.]
  26. Content Plugin for viewing the questions inside the article
  27. Supports default search for searching FAQ contents.
  28. Content plugin supports to display limited, Category wise and specific frequently asked question within Article.
  29. Categorized Lising Layout.
  30. Multiple listing in Plugin.
  31. Random listing option in All Layouts.
  32. Expand All and Collapse All option in all layouts.
  33. Show/Hide "Back to category" link option in category layout.
  34. Loading Category images in Category listing layout.
  35. Different styles for category listing layout as based on each template.
  36. Expand First question option.
  37. Design changes in Form Layout.
  38. Added Theme option in menu like the same as in global configuration.
  39. Fixed CSS conflict issue.
  40. Show/Hide option for pagination.
  41. Added Theme option in plugin like {faq|1|theme|10}

Please do not use this reviews to post support requests or bug reports. Please contact us.

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