JEXTN Lead management system
JE Effective Lead Management system is a lead Management solution for Joomla websites to manage the leads or contact us Emails. This is kind of very tiny CRM for a sales person who follows up with leads. This best fits of someone who is looking for simple and effective solutuion. If you are small company with few sales guys, this works better, Doing a complete integration of other complex softwares to handle the leasds is a overkill sometime.
Recently Updated Features:
* Change the dashboard view to show categories and also country
Features of JEXTN.com Effective Lead Management system:
- Customizable form for submitting leads.
- Captcha field for preventing spam.
- Displays all custom field created by Admin.
- Supports ajax Form validation.
- Admin can Manage Leads(ADD/EDIT/DELETE) from the back end.
- The leads has been assigned to the salesperson by Super Admin.
- Those who belonged to the Manager & Administrator user group are the salesperson.
- Sales person handle the leads that has been assigned by the Admin.
- Admin can change the status and weightage of the lead and write remarks about every leads.
- Salesperson can change the status and weightage of the lead and write remarks about the leads.
- Salesperson can update their daily status and next action to be taken.
- Colorful Dashboard with shortcuts for all controllers and list of remainders by Sales person.
- Display leads information based on the country and date.
- Ease to maintain documents uploaded by users.
- Admin can generate his own customfields and set parameter for every fields via backend.
- Customizable mail template from the backend.
- Unlimitted number of Sales persons can be added in backend.
- Admin can restrict the users to upload particular files(.doc, .txt, etc).
- Statistical information will be displayed based on the country, weightage, status, date and the sales person.
- Support languages English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Arabic, Norwegian, portuguese, etc ..
- Quick Icon in Admin section [only for Joomla 2.5]
- Module for Listing Reminder,Latest leads,Leads Report by country in control panel(Admin section) [only for Joomla 2.5]
- Upload Multiple files.
- Automatic email notification for a user once a lead is assigned from backend.
Please do not use this reviews to post support requests or bug reports. Please contact us using support menu in our website.