JFBConnect - Social network integration
Social network integration for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup, Windows Live and more for Joomla! Post content to Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Company Profiles. Use Facebook Open Graph tag and Twitter Card tags to manage the looks of all content shared from your site. Show your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn streams easily on your site. And much more!
One-click registration and login from Facebook and 10 major social networks. Let your users access your site quickly and easily with no forms, passwords, and usernames to remember.
Add Facebook Comments, Facebook Likes/Shares, Google +1, Twitter Share, LinkedIn Share and Pinterest Pin buttons automatically to your content.
Social Streams
Show the news feeds from Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, Twitter feeds and LinkedIn Company Pages. Streams are fully customizable and can chose posts from multiple providers merged into one feed.
Social Posting
Easily 'push' your content along with a custom comment and URL to Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, LinkedIn Company Page or Twitter streams. Works with all extensions!
Auto Posting
Automatically post new Joomla or K2 items, JomSocial Events and more to Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Personal Profiles, LinkedIn Company Page or Twitter streams. Works with user or admin generated content to get news into your social feeds!
Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Cards Tags
Describe your pages to Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn using Open Graph tags, which are used to set you're thumbnail preview in user's Timelines. Twitter Cards are a similar set of meta tags specific to that social network.
With Facebook's Open Graph Actions, you can post content to a user's Facebook Timeline about activity on your site. Facebook Open Graph Actions integrate with Joomla content, EasySocial, JomSocial, EasyBlog, jReviews, K2 and more.
3rd Party Profile Integration
Import user Facebook and other social network profile information including avatar and cover photo. Fully control your site's fields and what social network data should be imported into each one. Works with the User - Profile plugin, JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, Kunena, K2, Virtuemart and more.
Over 50 Social Widgets
Easily setup and configure social widgets from any of the social networks we support. Includes:
Almost 20 Facebook widgets, including Facebook Likes, Facebook Shares, Facebook Comments, Facebook Friends and Facebook Page Plugin.
Google+ Community Badge, Embedded Posts, Follow, Badges and +1
LinkedIn Apply for Job, Company and Member widgets and Share buttons
Pinterest Share
Twitter Follow, Hashtag, Mention and Share buttons
See full list below
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