Settimo Elemento
Settimo Elemento is the responsive multi-purpose Joomla template for Joomla 3 which serves as a great starter theme to set up your site from scratch with multiple preset layouts for certain needs. Settimo Elemento is also multi-concept theme, you can use it for fullwitdh standart, fullheight of header sliding, one-page, coming-soon Page and etc.This template is highly compatible with most of the popular 3rd party Joomla extensions.
Empowered by the robust Warp 7 Framework with UIKIT and Bootstrap 3 at core. A lot of thought and care were put into Settimo Elemento making it a pleasure to use. Settimo Elemento is loaded with options, and has powerful customization options. This theme is also well suited for Business, Corporate, Creative, Presentation, Personal, Blog and etc. Settimo Elemento is responsive ready and fully customizable with the customization tool page.
Template Features
- Responsive HTML5 base template Design supporting Phone, Tablets and Desktops
- 2 variations header Slider style an position
- Fully animated style website refers to material design
- Very unique Menu Layout
- Fancy Blog style
- Preloader enable or disable option
- Cookie Law enable or disable option
- Overlay Patterns
- 14 style separator
- Shortcode with Rokcandy
- 3 variations Sticky Menu
- Unique switch Menu when scrolling down
- Parallax and fixed background style sections available
- Coming Soon Page layout with countdown style included
- Template based on last powerfully Warp 7 Framework from Yootheme
- Built in Gzip Compress and Data URI function for faster site loading
- Used under full extensible framework architecture
- Built in many amazing Responsive Sliders : Pagepiling , OWL Carousel and Widgetkit Slideshow
- 21 Modules Position
- 6 Color in Light and Dark Themes different Styles + Unlimited Customization
- LESS CSS auto-compilation
- Advanced typography – Powerful typography from UIKIT provides styling for tables, forms, buttons, and other standard interface elements.
- Flexible widgets for template customization
- XML driven and with overrides for unprecedented levels of customization
- Multiple style options, Easily configured from backend.
- All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) Included
- Well Documented
- Fully compatible for all major browser
- Valid HTML5
- Native Quickstart Package included with the best Backup System from Akeeba
- Custom 404 Error page and offline page
- Built in Pricing Table ( Suitable for business websites )
- Photography Portfolio Layout page
- 2 different features Layout page
- Many built-in features such as Google Analytics, to-top smooth slider, etc.