Petcare - Animals & Pets Virtuemart
PetCare, our new flexible Joomla! template, with its modern design is emphasizing the importance of detail. It is intended for websites about animals and especially pets. It supports completely our new Bonus Framework. Responsive layout, rich shortcodes, advanced typography, style switcher are only some of the new features. Moreover it supports the most popular components, K2 for bloging and the Virtuemart for ecommerce. Visit our demo and explore the petCare template!
Color Skins: A variety of colors are perfectly combined.
RTL Support: Ready to use languages with different direction in reading.
Google Fonts: The leading of open - source fonts.
VM ready!: The template support the Virtuemart component.
K2 ready!: The advanced content management component.
Quickstart Package: You can create your website in a few minutes.
Responsive Layout: Compatible with the most devices.
Revolution slider: Includes Revolution Slider Plugin.
Advanced Shortcodes: Quickly and easily build your own custom pages.
Psd sources: You can easily modify the psd template elements.