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StoreBox - VirtueMart & K2S

StoreBox - VirtueMart & K2Store

Version v3.25
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site GavickPro external
License Read Rules external
Views 7,435
Dev Price $ 59
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 3.1
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Built with support for Virtuemart and K2Store, StoreBox is a clear webshop template that simplifies the shopping process, with instant cart updates, slideshows and product rotators alongside classy blog highlights that can be used to effectively promote your sales or latest collections to maximize profitability. A great base for a great e-store!

Sell your products with the K2Store or VirtueMart e-commerce Joomla extensions.


Starting a brand new online shop can be a daunting prospect, so we’ve made this unique webstore Joomla template to give you a headstart. Fully-featured and extensively-supported, StoreBox suits new internet ventures and old hands alike. A good internet shop needs a solid framework to work from, so support for popular ecommerce extensions for Joomla is a must. StoreBox is ready for VirtueMart and K2Store right out of the box, so whether you’re working with Joomla 3, there’s a solution ready to go!


Highlight your merchandise with our exclusive Joomla modules and plugins.

Now you’ve got the framework, you need a way to show-off all your great products. Our modules were made for just this purpose; create impressive slideshows to remind people of your great new releases or big discounts right in the header of the frontpage, and superb item showcases let your visitors see the best you have to offer as soon as they reach your site, with pagination options to provide multiple blocks of content in an instant.


Fully-functional K2 and Article Manager blog capabilities add new layers of sales power.

Sales aren’t the only way to get people to your site; articles on hot trends can be just as potent. Our extensions can show your articles on the frontpage in beautifully-presented surroundings to help attract users to get deeper into your site, and encourage repeat visits for a wider reach beyond your core customers.


Brilliant bonus features for a personal touch on every page

More features help make your site one of a kind; fine-tune your content with amazing typographical options, and ensure a smooth purchase with instant cart updates; additions and subtractions are made in an instant and viewable in a stylish overlay. What's more, you can add social share buttons across your product and article pages so users can share them with their friends and followers, further strengthening your brand name.

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