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JA Cagox - Fashion Virtue

JA Cagox - Fashion VirtueMart

Version v2.0.1
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site JoomlArt external
License Read Rules external
Views 7,196
Dev Price $ 59
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 4

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Luring fashionistas fans to your online store and shopping for their latest temptations with our chic and trendy Joomla template JA Cagox. With clever design, three different homepages, classic black & white, JA Cagox will surely stand the test of time as an online fashion shop and helping you promote your clothing business.


JA Cagox will have both PayCart and VirtueMart components for an intuitive online shopping experience. The fashion template is also equipped with the native Joomla custom blog, there's no need to install 3rd party solution. Built with the latest version of T3 Framework, JA Cagox performs smoothly across all connected devices and mobile screens.


Nowadays, your customer will surely do shopping on mobile devices. With the power of T3 Framework, JA Cagox ensures your shop will be displayed nicely across various screen sizes.

JA Cagox together with PayCart & VirtueMart to build a complete online shopping experience for every fashion store, all the superb features: product details, rating and pricing, shopping cart animation and so on.


A fashion shop can be decorated with various windows style displays, so does JA Cagox. The template has three layouts for multipurpose: Simple, Landing, and Horizontal Page.

RTL shoppers will enjoy shopping with familiar layouts because JA Cagox supports RTL language at core.

Along with Joomla pages, don't forget to get the best of the template with five bonus pages:

JA Cagox makes best use of screen display property with Off-canvas menu. Your customer will navigate easily and will not be disturbed by unwanted elements while shopping.

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