Hipster - Virtuemart & J2Store
A clean and cutting edge design based on the current discount fashion store concept. Hipster is powered by CSS3 effects and J2Store for easy e-commerce + Virtuemart for more advanced stores. The core Joomla template features (70+) module positions; (60+) module style variations, (6) preset styles, rich typography options, CSS3 progressive enhancements, Bootstrapped and Responsive Design. The Quickstart even comes with JoomlaXTC's most popular extensions like — Our Deluxe News Pro and more.
Template Features
Bootstrap template Bootstrapped Framework
A responsive grid, full of component, JavaScript, and typography styles for a sleek and intuitive web experience.
CSS3 template CSS3 Enabled
The latest and greatest standard in design, CSS3 delivers the best in animation and visual effects at incredible speeds.
Responsive template Responsive Design
Our responsive designs automatically adapt to the best layouts for mobile viewing including the latest in retina devices.
Flexible template XTC Framework
Built with the XTC framework, our templates provide dozens of parameters for extensive customization with virtually no coding needed.
Mobile template
Deliver optimal content to mobile devices with device-dependant template layouts complete with their own menus, modules and visual styling.
Joomla! Quickstart
Install a full Joomla! website containing demo content, styles and preconfigured extensions ready to get you going in minutes.
Included Extensions
The template comes with some of JoomlaXTC's most powerful extensions making this a complete package ready for instant deployment
Deluxe News Pro
Virtuemart Category Wall
Socializer Wall
Image Gallery
Custom HTML Pro
Third Party Extensions
The Quickstart includes the following third-party extensions pre-installed
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