TZ Autobike Automotive, Motorbike & Vehicles with Hikashop
It is flexible to build sell/rental system for car, motorbike, yacht, boats, transportation. You can easily setup site with multiple page or landing page with SP Page Builder. Create inventory page with TZ Portfolio and Store Online with Hikashop.
Home Pages 4 Versions Out of the box, Express comes with 4 main homepage variations and a bunch of prebuilt inner pages for your inconvenience. Making use of the power of SP Page Builder to edit them easily.
Inventory Layout Sell or Rent your vehicles Tell a story about the brand in your blog, introduce your products with many blog styles.
Blog Layouts Listing, Grid, Mix layout style Tell a story about the brand in your blog, introduce your products with many blog styles.
Featured Pages About Us, Services, History, Gallery Express supports Dark and Light mode that will make your content easy for your customers to read
Color Mode Light & Dark Color Scheme Express supports Dark and Light mode that will make your content easy for your customers to read
Fully Responsive Layout All layouts are fully responsive. Your template will adapt automatically to the screen size of the device and display all the content in an intuitive and simple way. Coding Knowledge NOT Required Enjoy rapid development like never before. Easily mix and match from templates to create something unique to you in minutes without Coding Knowledge.
1 Click Install Importing an Jollyany Prebuilt Website is as simple as clicking a button and is highly flexible.
110+ Design Elements Drag'n Drop with SP Page Builder Design Elements are varied and versatile, providing you with an almost endless combination of options to create dynamic and feature-rich content. Everything that you will need to reach out to your target audience is provided in neatly laid out Elements Library.