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GK StartUp

Version v3.15.1
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site GavickPro external
License Read Rules external
Views 8,107
Dev Price $ 49
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € Free
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This theme is a strong base to give your internet startup company a boost. Original design and key custom HTML elements that allow you to introduce your company goals, managment team and present your recent successes all contribute to a useful business theme that companies young, old, small or large can benefit from.

Establish your company with the perfect website

With this online startup template you can spread your wings with a clean, inspiring website that commands attention. Our slider module has been extended with dynamic transitions for promoting your products and services, configurable in moments and unique enough to turn a few heads.

Introduce yourself and your goals with catchy icons and animations

If you’re just starting out building a strong business website can seem daunting; you’ll want your customers to get to know who you are and what you’re about. Startup is ready, with slickly-animated team introduction and flat-designed key features sections that take advantage of CSS3 to produce clever hover effects for a lively frontpage.

Provide links to your previous projects as a testimonial

Your work will be the ultimate driver of interest in your customer-base, and thanks to our article-showcasing module for Joomla you’ll be able to have each new project, guide or informative post right there on the front page, ready to click. You have full control; choose whether to have read more buttons, text titles, images and more, with wide-ranging display options to get the layout you require.

Stay tuned with social channels, slick modules and flexible typography

Animated social media icons promote your social presence, and as for building the content, the K2 extension, combined with our custom plugin for enhanced text elements, has all you need for complex yet readable pages. Our Tabs module creates unobtrusive tabs that can contain other elements, including other modules, so your pages can be content-rich without overfilling your available site space. Just getting going but not sure how to start? Let us point you in the right direction with Startup!

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