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GK Appetit - Creative Restau

GK Appetit - Creative Restaurant

Version v1.0
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site GavickPro external
License Read Rules external
Views 2,493
Dev Price $ 59
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 4
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GK Appetit is a complete package to establish a functional restaurant website to reach out to your customers and promote your tasty cuisine. Appetit includes a bundle of additional pages and features to make the experience as smooth as possible. A special reservation plugin lets you accept reservations instantly direct from your site via our created Reservation page, and dedicated Menu, Gallery, and About Us pages let you tempt visitors to make a reservation with beautiful images and delicious menu options.


GK Appetit is fully compatible with Joomla 4 & Joomla 3, quickstart packages are included for each Joomla version.

Joomla template for restaurant
Appetit template provides a large set of elements, page layouts for menu, reservation, chefs, and more to create a professional website for a restaurant, huge bar, and grill, or a small, intimate pub fast and easy.


Unique Menu design
The template helps highlight your best recipes, popular dishes, and tantalizing restaurant menu options in a unique design.
The menu is updated in the JA ACM Module with pre-defined fields to update menu media, title, price, and description.


Beautiful Menu gallery
Appetit template makes it easy to create a beautiful gallery for your restaurant menus. Each menu has its own image gallery with professional image gallery animation and effect.


Professional Chefs layout
Shows your restaurant chefs in a clean and professional page. Each chef has its own detail page to show more information.


Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 support
The restaurant template is native with both Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 with all features support. With each main Joomla version, we provide a separate quickstart package to give you the best starting point - replicate the demo site on your server one installation.


Fully responsive design
Appetit Joomla template responds elegantly to various screen sizes and has been tested to work across devices, from the largest of desktops to modern smartphones.


All pages are displayed beautifully in responsive layouts
Responsive Joomla template
Mobile ready template


Beautiful bonus pages
The Joomla template includes multiple beautiful ready-to-use pages to help you build a complete website without coding or using 3rd party extensions: About, Team, Blog, Contact.


All Joomla page are customized and styled to next level.

Appetit Joomla template supports all Joomla default pages with customized layout and style to be more beautiful and perfectly adapt the template design.

  • Contact us page - Get connected with an info-packed contact page, including email, contact form.
  • Under Construction page - Build anticipation with this expertly designed under construction page, with a countdown timer Nothing increases urgency, anticipations or conversions more than having this feature.
  • Error page - Custom designed already packed with link to homepage to get visitor back to where he/she intended to actually go henceforth decreasing bounce rate and increasing User Experience.

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