JA Kids Corner
JA Kids Corner is a complete solution for Children's play center, kids education, kindergarten websites with creative and colorful design style. JA Kids Corner template fully supports DT Register - an advanced Joomla events booking extension to build Events and Programs booking system with 40 popular payment gateways support and onepage checkout. The kids center Joomla template is based on T3 Framework, fully responsive, supports megamenu, flexible layout system, visual layout configuration and more.
Designed for kids education, kindergarten websites
JA Kids Corner is designed to help user build beautiful websites for kids fun center, kindergarten, kids play center faster with all pages: events page, program page, about us, events booking and more and features built in.
Event and Program page
The creative and ready-to-use Events and Program pages shows events and programs beautifully with specific layout and style.
Fully support DT Register Joomla events booking extension
The events booking system in JA Kids Corner is based on DT Register, the most powerful Joomla! events registration/events manager extension provides all needed features to create, display any type of event, manage events registration, get paid from registrants via 40+ popular online payment gateways.
Events online booking system
40+ payment gateways support
One page checkout
Event and Program online registration
The template supports online booking system built with DT Register, users can register events online and pay in one page checkout.
Beautiful Image Gallery built with JA ACM
We built image gallery in the JA ACM module to help user build beautiful image gallery module faster and can assign it to display in any position in your website.
Fully responsive design
JA Kids Corner is responsive at core based on powerful Bootstrap responsive grid system of 12 columns, give smooth user experience on all responsive layouts.
Support all Joomla default pages
Beside pre-built pages for events, programs, about us, the Kids center Joomla template also supports all Joomla default pages with customized to fit the template design: Blog, Tag page, Contact, 404, Offline, Search, etc to save time in setup a full website.