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JA Socia

JA Social II

Version v2.1.0
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site JoomlArt external
License Read Rules external
Views 8,278
Dev Price $ 49
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 4

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JA Social II is all new responsive Joomla template to build a social network for your community. Social II derives its name from JA Social, one of our best Joomla social templates for years. Social II is designed to help you create your own social network with Joomla.


Support both of the best Joomla extensions for social networks JomSocial, EasySocial, and Community Builder. JA Social II is the ultimate ingredient for a successful community project. You can build a full-fledged social media site with both style and functionality.


Moreover, JA Social II is not only a social media Joomla template but also a multipurpose responsive Joomla template. The template's custom styles and layouts allow you to create a beautiful layout with the power of JoomlArt Advanced Custom Modules extension. JA Social II also features Joomla CCK component - K2.


With T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3 at core, JA Social II is friendly and easy to customize. You can freely design the responsive Joomla template with MagicTheme, and Layout Configuration.

Built on the latest T3 Framework with Bootstrap 3

With the powerful T3 Framework and Bootstrap 3, you will have a trustworthy Joomla framework at hand. Building and customizing Joomla templates are more comfortable.

Fully responsive social experience

Thanks to T3 Framework, JA Social II will help users with a smooth social experience across full range of devices from computer to mobile.

Megamenu and Off-canvas menu

Social II will help organize everything on your site with Megamenu on desktop and Off-canvas menu on mobiles or tablets.

Supports JomSocial - Joomla community extension

JA Social II supports JomSocial with custom styled layouts, you can now bring your community a great design with an effective social stream.

Supports EasySocial - Joomla social networking extensions

Plenty of features like story, stream, profile, groups, points from EasySocial. It's your turn to start fostering your community site.

RTL Language Layout

JA Social II supports Right-to-Left languages layouts.

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