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JoomShaper Moview - Movie Database & Re

JoomShaper Moview - Movie Database & Review

Version v3.0.0
Compatibility J3 & J4
Developer site JoomShaper external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,313
Dev Price $ 59
Pay once per item. Get 6 Months of Free Updates.Price € 4
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Have you ever wanted to create a website similar to IMDb, Rolling Stone, CinemaBlend, Rotten Tomatoes or NDTV Movies. Using Moview template with suggested extensions allows you build movie database with reviews for new and recent movies in theaters, DVD and Blu-ray releases, and film classics. Your site can be a place where everyone goes to discover new movies, video games, television shows and music albums. Especially for this template we've designed & developed new SP Movie Database extension -  unique review and rating system. However, this template can also used for multipurpose such as Magazine and Business website - depending on how good your imagination is.


The package incorporates the powerful drag and drop SP Page Builder along with addons which is very helpful tool while setting up your layout. You can set up your addons (and modules) positions easily according to your choice. Use already pre-designed pages as well. Easy create a unique looking pages with your content in a couple of minutes. We also added support for AcyMailing newsletter  becuase we know that email works a lot better than any other online marketing tool.  


Powered by Helix3 Framework
Helix3 is a user-friendly, highly customizable and easy to integrate solution to build your next Joomla 3.4+ website based on your idea or client request. Perfect to use as-is or as a starter template for any creative web project.


SP Movie Database
Unique component with related modules (also search) ready for celebrities, movie Database with reviews feature. Content and images on the site are contributed and maintained by admin. But reviews are from registered users.


SP Page Builder Pro
With the SP Page Builder extension you can easily customize your website just in few clicks. The most powerful drag & drop builder available. Over 41+ premium addons included, create any layout, even without modules.


Modern & Responsive Design
Template package allows you to build good looking review website. Looking notably good on mobile devices. Google Mobile Website tester friendly. Off Canvas - Separate Mobile Menu and option to hide rows with modules in mobile or tablet view.


Video Support
You can add multimedia content (movie and music clips) from YouTube and Vimeo using only link(s). Once you add the link, the video should show up on your page.


RTL Ready
Template is ready for translation with necessary .ini files inside. It supports all middle eastern languages: Arabic, Persian and Hebrew (right-to-left). Using clone of template you can also interchange module positions, which can help you with logo and menu position.

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