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S5 Light Ch

S5 Light Church

Version v1.2.1
Compatibility J3 & J4 & J5
Developer site shape5 external
Views 25
Dev Price $ 59
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 4

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After many request we decided it was time to produce a new responsive Joomla template designed for a church Of course the theme can be used for any website but we designed it to include features that are specific and beneficial to a church website layout. We did something a bit different this month with the Flex Menu. We went for minimal menu items with a large bold look.
We then added an off screen right menu where you can add in additional menu items that you may need. The S5 Masonry module also had a minor update so you can choose to output images or DIVs with images set to the background. This allows for images to cover and fill the entire item area if needed. This month we needed this feature due to the height of each masonry item. The design features our normal theme specific addons like a highlight color options, uppercase and lowercase options and also the ability to hide the first menu item. Be sure to check out the demo to see all the features included.


Design Specific Features

* View These Features On The Demo
* 100 collapsible core positions
* 6 custom suffixes
* 2 custom highlight colors
* Off screen right menu
* Enable or disable uppercase letters
* Enable or disable sub menu arrows


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