S5 Blog Box
People are happy to share with the world their opinions about what is happening around the events, impressions, ideas, recipes and master classes, placing them in the blog. However, the average PC user is far from the wilds of the web programming, and therefore was designed template Shape5 - BlogBox. It will greatly facilitate the task of creating an interesting personal blog.
Template Description
Among the many studios web programming stands out stylish template Shape5 - BlogBox. With its help information, which the blogger shares with readers clothed in comfortable and pleasant to read form. Easy contemporary design complements the wide technical possibilities to configure the template. Blog created based on a template from the Studio Shape5, are gaining popularity among vast numbers of Internet users.
The Amateur can choose a light or dark background website design. In Joomla template the integrated system disqus, which allows you to display comments on any page. The main feature of the template is a plurality of positions for embedded modules, allowing infinite possibilities in creating a unique blog. Each page of the site you can use different combinations of modules. For a more colourful display content capacity images to the full width of the page. In addition, the possibility of searching for articles of a blog and customized the subscription form by email.
Choosing a Shape5 template, the user receives a quality product at a great price. All the popular development Studio focused on creative people with an active lifestyle.
Template Features:
- The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!.
- The presence of PSD files for easy changes to the design template.
- QuickStart package - to quickly launch a fully customized site as a demo.
- Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
- Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
- Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
- Layout template contains 100 positions for the location of the modules and 10 suffixes design.
- Theme 1 covers the shell color scheme of the site.
- The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters.
- Advanced typography for a custom design content.
- Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
- Several types of menus, Drop Down, Fading, Scroll Down and Suckerfish, with smooth animation effects.
- Includes support for CCK component of K2 content management, and S5 Accordion Menu, S5 Box, S5 Tab Show, S5 Map, S5 MailChimp, S5 Flex Menu, S5 Image, S5 Masonry, S5 Live Search, S5 Disqus Comments, Fast Social Share and other popular extensions.
- Demo package with support version of CMS Joomla! 5.x.