Advanced Shipping by Rules VirtueMart
Plugin for Virtuemart 2 and 3 to determine shipping costs according to general rules. The conditions are given as arithmetic expressions (inequalities and equalities), possibly involving many different properties of the order (weight, number of articles, postal code, coupon code, order amount, etc.).
Very complex shipping cost structures can be easily implemented as one shipping method by describing each by a simple rule with conditions. Shipping costs can be depending on:
-) Total amount of the order (with or without taxes)
-) Total weight of the order
-) Number of articles or different products in the order
-) Volume or minimal and maximal extensions of the products
-) Postal code of the delivery address
-) Coupon code
Each rule is described as a simple line of text with an easy structure (semicolons separate the parts of the rule).
The shipping cost can be given either with or without taxes included. Some simple examples are
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