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VirtueMart Custom Catpro

VirtueMart Custom Catproduct

Version v3.2.2
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,859
Dev Price € 20
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 3.3
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Catproduct is the only tool for adding multiple products to cart directly from VirtueMart product page.

Catproduct primary display child products, but it can be use to display any product!


You can use it to display different variants of product, tools for main product, accessories for product, related products, or anything you imagine! You can also use Catproduct for displaying kits!

Default layout is a table of products on main product page with quantity boxes on a side and one Add-to-cart button. But Catproduct support custom layouts so you can have different layouts for different products!


You can select how Catproduct will sort products. You can sort them by id, sku, name, weight, length, width, height and price.

You can attach other products to the table with child product. That means you can put one independent product to many parents. Simple put product ids in plug-in configuration and products will be shown in parent product layout. You can also set custom title for attached products like "Accessories". Look examples on our demo.


With attached products you can also add Category, Featured products, Latest product, Top10 products or Custom products. With this you can make your products table very dynamical. You can even show your exist related products inside Catproduct table.


With Catproduct you can set, what is the minimal and maximal order quantity. You can also set quantity in box and only multiplied value of that quantity can be ordered!

Catproduct support dynamic price update. This is used for quantity discount. This makes calculation a little slower so it can be turn off if not used.

Catproduct shows strings (or other) customfields inside table, so you can easily put really a lot of data into the table. Just like printed catalogues!

You can also choose to have only one addtocart button or one button for each product.


Main Features:

  • adding multiple products to cart
  • display child products
  • display attached products (Can be added with productid or productsku)
  • support multi currencies
  • support children order (by id, sku, name, price, etc.)
  • support minimal and maximal order quantity
  • support "quantity in box" so only multiplied value of this quantity can be ordered
  • support dynamic price update (quantity discount, etc.)
  • support multiple groups of attached product.
  • support different layouts
  • choosable product fields for display

You can choose which field you want to show. You can set default values or set params for each product in product page. You can style layout with CSS.


Fileds avalible:
- product image
- product id
- produck sku
- product name
- product short description
- product weight
- product sizes
- product stock
- product min quantity
- product max quantity
- product step quantity
- product base price
- product base price with tax
- product discounted price
- product discounted price with tax
- tax amount
- discount amount
- sum of all that fields
- total values of all that fileds


Plugin works with child products or with attached products. It won't show rows only with custom non-stockable attributes! It works on Joomla 2.5 or 3.x with VirtueMart 3.x (or VirtueMart 2.x).

We’d love to hear how satisfied with your download, please give it a rate of stars and leave a review. We will be grateful.