Simple VM3 Product Cart Variant Custom Field
The Plugin has been modified to a new name - VMCustom - VM Product Cart Variants (this should help avoid confusion caused by old name of DropBox as this did not reflect functionality) Tested on VM3 using J3 php5.6 and php7and J2.5. Its functionality is based on the original DROPBOX by PRO with greater functionality
This plugin does not handle stock control at a variant level
Plugin Features:
Apply A Template Of Options with just 1 Click includes pricing adjustments - Options are configured as a simple comma separated List
Creates a Product drop down selection list of cart variants
Price Variants supported for each cart variant:-
- Standard sales price + or -
- Standard sales price Multiplied by a value (including decimals) e.g. *2.5 , *.5 , *1
- Fixed price (overrides Standard sales price)
- Append string to SKU (adds a string to the original SKU - useful for analytics and export of order lines)
- Fix the weight (Overrides the product weight)