Virtuemart Sales Pro
The Virtuemart Sales Joomla! component is a search tool that provides a list of Virtuemart products with discounts. It is supplied with a lot of features and multiple parameters and it would be ideal for e-commerce websites that were built with Virtuemart.
MVC & Multi-language support.
Data Type (You can choose if you want to display all Virtuemart products with a discount or not, or both).
Image Interactivity (On click navigate to product's page or 2. display a lightbox gallery).
Include Categories (Choose the Categories that should not be ignored).
Include Manufacturers (Choose the Manufacturers that should not be ignored).
Exclude Categories (Choose the Categories that should be ignored).
Exclude Manufacturers (Choose the Manufacturers that should be ignored).
Advanced Search Form (See below the Search form details list).
Product Layout (You have the option to choose if share buttons, question link, view more button, or description will be displaying).
Other Options (You have the option to set limit for product's title or description)
Display prices with tax or not.
Show only featured products (Select if you want to display only featured products or all)
Social sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
Copyright Message (Of course you can hide the copyright message if you want).
A full configuration in parameters, at Joomla! back-end. You can change everything! (See the screenshots below)
Select the Search Type. All VirtueMart products or products with discount or products without discount.
Select products from a Category.
Select products from a Manufacturer.
Sort results by most recent first, oldest first, price high to low, low to high, discount high to low or low to high.
Search via input text. Enter some characters or the entire word, from product's title, the short or the full description.