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FW VirtueMart Re

FW VirtueMart Rental

Version v3.7.0
Compatibility Joomla 3
Developer site Fastw3b external
License Read Rules external
Views 3,624
Dev Price $ 69
6 Months Free UpdatesPrice € 5
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FW VM Rental adds Rental option to your VirtueMart website! Plugin extends functionality and allows you to RENT and/or SELL products or services. Works with latest VM and Joomla. Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type. Pricing Grid Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respective recalculation. Stock Control Keeps track of booked and rented items for all products allowing only in-stock quantity.

FW Virtuemart Rental Features:
Virtuemart Native - Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type.
Pricing Grid - Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respective recalculation.
Stock Control - Keeps track of booked and rented items for all products allowing only in-stock quantity.

Rent and/or Sale option - Allow rent and/or sell products when adding to cart for more flexibility.
Individual product settings - All product settings are individual and can be adjusted separately.
Deposit and insurance - Requires deposit and insurance amounts if required for a rent.

Multitype rental products - Stock control can be adjusted to block quantity for paid and pending orders.
Booking delay - Some products may require prior preparation and need a booking in advance.
Date format - Start week day and date display for country native date format.


Version 3.6.0 - minor release

  1. New Booking form design.
  2. New plugin parameter Deposit HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
  3. New plugin parameter Insurance HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
  4. Optional FontAwesome load parmeter.
  5. Language contants review and translation fix.
  6. All calculated parameters are visible on Booking Form.
  7. Rental values get recalculated as user changes the date.
  8. Active pricing layer is highlighted for better price calculation clarity.
  9. Joomla 3.9.x compatibility check.
  10. Virtuemart 3.4.x compatibility check.

Version 3.5.0 - minor release

  1. Booking Delay global parameter allows setting time in days before booking can be made for rental products
  2. Booking calendar pop-up display correction on different templates
  3. Virtuemart 3.2.21 compatibility check
  4. Joomla 3.8.6 compatibility check

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