FW VirtueMart Rental
FW VM Rental adds Rental option to your VirtueMart website! Plugin extends functionality and allows you to RENT and/or SELL products or services. Works with latest VM and Joomla. Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type. Pricing Grid Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respective recalculation. Stock Control Keeps track of booked and rented items for all products allowing only in-stock quantity.
FW Virtuemart Rental Features:
Virtuemart Native - Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type.
Pricing Grid - Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respective recalculation.
Stock Control - Keeps track of booked and rented items for all products allowing only in-stock quantity.
Rent and/or Sale option - Allow rent and/or sell products when adding to cart for more flexibility.
Individual product settings - All product settings are individual and can be adjusted separately.
Deposit and insurance - Requires deposit and insurance amounts if required for a rent.
Multitype rental products - Stock control can be adjusted to block quantity for paid and pending orders.
Booking delay - Some products may require prior preparation and need a booking in advance.
Date format - Start week day and date display for country native date format.
Version 3.6.0 - minor release
- New Booking form design.
- New plugin parameter Deposit HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
- New plugin parameter Insurance HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
- Optional FontAwesome load parmeter.
- Language contants review and translation fix.
- All calculated parameters are visible on Booking Form.
- Rental values get recalculated as user changes the date.
- Active pricing layer is highlighted for better price calculation clarity.
- Joomla 3.9.x compatibility check.
- Virtuemart 3.4.x compatibility check.
Version 3.5.0 - minor release
- Booking Delay global parameter allows setting time in days before booking can be made for rental products
- Booking calendar pop-up display correction on different templates
- Virtuemart 3.2.21 compatibility check
- Joomla 3.8.6 compatibility check