ULTIMATE is the perfect Joomla template! You have unlimited possibilities to build your own style, because all styles and CSS options can be done in real time from Joomla backend ( Customizer).
You can insert a big logo image or a small one, it doesn´t matter it looks always fine, because you can set the gap of the logo and set the logo background.
The Theme is responsive and has a native integrated "Background Image for logo section" which can be changed by yourself at the Theme configuration backend. All 48 module positions are collapsible and have different styles which can be selected from Joomla Template control panel.
If your looking for the ultimate Joomla template, which you can easily customize, take a look at this Joomla Template.
Template Features
- Responsive Layout
- 48 Module Positions
- Warp7 Framework with UiKit
- Custom Typography
- Social Buttons Option
- Custom 404 Page
- Custom Offline Page
- Animated Modules
- Responsive Slideshow
- 500 Google Fonts
- Megamenu & Off Canvas
- Real Time Customizer
- Flexible Module Width
- Mosaic Module Included
- Advanced Profile Settings
- Gzip & Minify Compression
- 300 Font Awesome Icons
- Unlimted Background Colors
- 3 Different Module Styles
- Joomla 2.5 Quickstart
- Joomla 3 Quickstart